academy of nutritional medicine

academy of nutritional medicine

Coxsackie – Doing Damage to Our Very Core: The Energy Delivery Mechanisms of our Heart?

Coxsackie (named after where it was first identified, in Coxsackie, New York) is an enterovirus that belongs to the family of Picornaviruses. These are small positive-strand RNA viruses without a lipid membrane. It falls under the same genera as polio, echovirus, and other enteroviruses. Its transmission is oro-faecal, and its site of primary infection is the gut. Coxsackie A virus is usually associated with fever, surface rashes, and can cause herpangina, as well as hand,

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academy of nutritional medicine

New Insights into Neuromodulation in Long COVID

There is increasing coverage of the connection between the nAChRs (nicotinic acetylcholine receptors) and the modulation of Long Covid. Professor Jeanne-Pierre Changeux, Professor of Neuroscience at the Pasteur Institute, who first identified and purified the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor, posed the hypothesis soon after the onset of the Pandemic in April 2020 in “A nicotinic hypothesis for Covid-19 with preventive and therapeutic implications” (i). This was followed by further peer-reviewed studies such as “A potential interaction

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academy of nutritional medicine

What Makes ImuPro Different from other Food Sensitivity Tests?

ImuPro is a concept that combines a sophisticated and reliable blood analysis for IgG food allergies with our unique post-test guidance. Up to 270 foods are tested. Together with your test results you will receive your individual nutritional concept – your building blocks to a healthier life. You can strengthen your immune system by identifying the foods your body mistakes as harmful ones. Food that your immune system is identifying and treating as foreign agents

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academy of nutritional medicine

AONM Newsletter August 2023  

It is often the neurological symptoms that seem to be the most persistent in what has come to be termed “PASC” – Post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2. The downregulation of the mitochondria is certainly a huge factor, and the phenomenon profiled in our first article has both mitochondrial stress and oxidation as central features. The topic is disturbance to cholinergic pathways, and this has long been identified in M.E. as well, as far back as the

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