Understanding the Escalation of Neuroinflammation Post-COVID: A Growing Concern
Published on 17 January, 2024
Neuroinflammation has emerged as a critical area of concern in recent months, particularly in the UK, where an increasing number of individuals are grappling with neuropsychiatric disorders post-COVID. These disorders, often referred to as PANDAS and PANS, gained significant attention in April 2023 when the Academy of Nutritional Medicine (AONM) highlighted a surge in cases in its newsletter. This concern has since escalated, prompting a Parliamentary Debate on September 12th, following the successful launch of an
All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) with commendable efforts by PANS/PANDAS UK.
The awareness around these neuropsychiatric disorders has grown exponentially, with both scientific journals and popular media shedding light on the issue. The Daily Mail, on November 20th, dedicated a double-page spread to the condition, titled “How common viruses can make the body attack the brain – and leave you facing a trauma of twitching and hallucinations.”. Similarly, the Economist ran an extensive article on September 20th, titled “How common infections can spark psychiatric illnesses in children.”.
The rise in these disorders post-COVID is currently under intensive investigation by Moleculera Laboratories and other research entities.
The prevailing theory suggests a severe breakdown in the immune system caused by COVID, leading to exacerbated neuroinflammation. AONM is actively supporting this investigation, participating in conferences like the 5th International Conference on Chronic Pathologies in Munich, Germany, and the Thinking Autism Conference in London, both featuring discussions on PANS/PANDAS.
Several organisations, such as the British Society for Ecological Medicine, have taken proactive steps to address neuroinflammation. They organised a well-attended training for GPs and other professionals on November 3rd, titled “Neuroinflammation: An alternative perspective on neuropsychiatry.” The event covered infection-triggered neuropsychiatric disorders, featuring talks by experts in the field, including discussions on schizophrenia and the role of lipids in the starved brain.
Moleculera Laboratories, known for testing antineuronal antibody biomarkers associated with these disorders, co-hosted the NDUCI 2023 conference with Dr. Gary Kaplan, a leading PANS/PANDAS physician in the US. This three-day conference delved into the role of immune dysfunction and infections, featuring renowned speakers like Professor Ron Davies from Stanford and Dr. Jennifer Frankovich, who runs a prestigious unit for PANS/PANDAS at Stanford.
Despite these efforts, it remains uncertain whether the surge in neuropsychiatric illnesses, affecting both children and adults, can be curbed. A recent article in JAMA (November 30th, 2023) paints a concerning picture, revealing that post-SARS-CoV-2 infection, significant reductions in gray matter thickness and subcortical nuclear volume are associated with anxiety and cognitive function.
The implications of these findings add urgency to ongoing research and highlight the critical need for comprehensive understanding and effective interventions in addressing neuroinflammation post-COVID.
AONM is proud to host Dr. Nancy O’Hara on February 1st, 2024, where she will discuss therapy for PANS/PANDAS based on her book “Demystifying PANS/PANDAS: A Functional Medicine Desktop Reference on Basal Ganglia Encephalitis.”
Helpful Resources
AONM Long COVID Webinars with Professor Jack Lambert.
PANS/PANDAS: A Simple Overview.

For more information and articles on PANS/PANDAS see HERE.
Both AONM and Moleculera Labs have information on their websites about the Cunningham Panel™ Test, this information can be found in the links below:

We also have our PANS/PANDAS Webinar Series on our website featuring experts such as Professor Craig Shimasaki, Dr. Jodie Dashore and Dr. Sam Yanuck. You can find these videos and more both on our Website and also on our YouTube Channel where you will find many videos from experts in their field on a multitude of health subjects.
If you have any questions regarding the Cunningham Panel™ Test, please email info@aonm.org with subject heading ‘Cunningham Panel Query’. If you would like to subscribe to our newsletter and mailing list for any promotional offers and events such as live webinars and training for Practitioners, please send us your details via our Contact Page.