academy of nutritional medicine

academy of nutritional medicine

How to Identify Infections at the Root Cause of Many Common Chronic Diseases

Dr Armin Schwarzbach is the Founder and Medical Director at ArminLabs, Augsburg, Germany. He is a Medical Doctor who specialises in laboratory medicine in infectiology, microbiology, immunology, haematology, clinical chemistry, endocrinology and gynaecological endocrinology. So many conditions that appear mysterious and are all too often dismissed as psychiatric in fact have an underlying viral or bacterial cause. Enterobacteria and enteroviruses for example are commonly overlooked. The enterobacterium Yersinia enterocolitica can be picked up from contaminated

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academy of nutritional medicine

Kryptopyrroluria – The Elephant In The Room

Kryptopyrroluria – KPU – is a metabolic disorder that is still practically unknown in the UK, despite the fact that Dr. Carl C. Pfeiffer identified it back in the 1970s as being prevalent in the West, and an underlying factor in a vast range of conditions, from ME, fibromyalgia and multiple chemical sensitivity to thyroid disorders, ADHD, depression and epilepsy. Dr. Pfeiffer found that around 30% of patients labelled schizophrenic were suffering from KPU, and

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academy of nutritional medicine

April/May 2023 Newsletter

AONM’s April/May Newsletter is available to view HERE The contents in this edition include the following: ► 1. PANDAS on the rise due to the increase in group A strep infections ► 2. Spotlight on Mycotoxins ► 3. May is Lyme Disease Month ► 4. New Mitochondrial Tests ► 5. Upcoming events For a full list of our Upcoming Events please see HERE As always please do feel free to share the newsletter along with any

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academy of nutritional medicine

PANS/PANDAS: A Simple Overview

Paediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANS) and Paediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections (PANDAS) are conditions that affect both children and adults, and can cause sudden and dramatic behavioural changes. PANS/PANDAS is unfortunately not yet recognised by all medical professionals but there are many Advocates and Charities working hard to change this.   PANS/PANDAS can cause a range of symptoms, including: These symptoms often appear suddenly and can be severe, leading to significant impairment

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